Meeting Notes 18th April 2002



Liz C, Lee, Jo & Liv.


1. Apologies

Received from Ade and Sijbren.


2. Matters arising from last meeting

·         The Perse is booked for training from September 8th from 5:30-7 £38 per hour Liv to confirm.

·         Netherhall is booked until August 25th (not 5/5/02 or 2/6/02. To be reviewed, check link to CitySport booking)

·         Posters have been laminated. Liv to add tear offs. To be displayed in schools Newnham, Milton Road, Witchford, Netherhall, Parkside, Comberton, Chesterton & Ely also Kelsey Kerridge, Library, swimming pools.

·         Lee to chase balls for Witchford.

·         Parents. Sijbren suggests writing a letter to ask for a parent representative on the juniors committee. A meeting to be organised at which to ask for volunteer reps to stand on the committee. Suggested date Sunday 28th April 6pm rearrange if wet, Lee to do fliers.

·         CKA has funded £75 for 3 balls.

·         Mixed senior/junior tournament to take place on Saturday 27th Netherhall 10:30-1.

·         Holland tournament to be discussed at next meeting.


3. KKA Awards scheme

·         To be used on Sundays and at Newnham Croft. Liz to ask Liz J at Milton Road.


4. South Cambs Sports newsletter

·         Liv to delegate to Rick to advertise juniors- to look at other possible ‘sites’ for us to do promotions then develop regular reports.


5. National Youth Day (07/07/02)

·         Liz to write to Newnham and Milton Road to assess interest re. size of coach.


6. Under 15 & the future

·         Sijbren feels the U15s should stay together as a club/team for the future. They need to have regular games so suggest entering them in 3rd division from September 2002.


7. Dutch Mini tournament May 4th-5th

·         To be held at the Perse.

·         Liv to contact Rick to publicise, and Dave Bate to organise schedule and pitches/tapes etc.

·         Lee to sort BBQ.

·         Liz has bought the food. U23s will be helping.

·         Training session booked 11.30-1pm 5/5/02.

·         Inter area match 4/5/02 10-11 am London U15/Norwich U15. Lee to contact GB U16 to sort Sun pm.

·         Rick needs details to publicise. Lee to inform him.

·         Teams. Norwich City 1 U15, Bec possibly 1 U15. LDKA U11/U13/U15. Cambridge 1 U15. Nottingham 1. Ritola 1. Kent ??

·         All teams to play each other, i.e 45 games, will be 20 minute games on 3-4 pitches. Need 7 junior posts from Netherhall and 1 senior + baskets.

·         U23s to organise shooting competition for each age group

·         First Aid, Liv and other volunteers.

·         Prizes. Liz to investigate Cambridge souvenir shop for gift for Dutch team. Lee to check price of medals for the winners. Liz to sort sweets. Scorers need on the day, Liv?/Nick. Social needs helpers possibly Lions? Lee to sort.

·         Sunday. Sijbren sorting food etc and Monday.

·         Stingers tournament. Need to liase with senior teams re. Transport. (Darren Payne is organising for Tigers) Lee to do.


8. A.O.B                               

·         £800 given to CKA from City Council. Lee to liase with Phil B. re. buying posts.

·         Posters for Avon Tyrrell Summer Camp, Lee to give out on Sunday.


Next Meeting

16th May 2002 @ 7:30pm. Liv’s House



Jo, 21st April 2002.